Retail & Hospitality ISAC
Stopping Cybercrime through Collaboration
RH‑ISAC is committed to being the most trusted community voice in cybersecurity intelligence and information for organizations in the retail and hospitality sector. Their community helps give members confidence no matter their role. Through community collaboration and engagement, RH-ISAC slows the growth of consumer cybercrime.

User Research
Research is an integral part of my process to understand the current market, get a deep understanding of the organization I'm working with, and discover user needs. Market research and in-depth interviews help to identify the competitive landscape and what RH‑ISAC’s prospective members care about. The insight gained from this research led to a deep understanding of the perception of the RH‑ISAC brand, the organization’s strongest partnerships, what makes an ideal member, and current member pain points.
Following the research phase, I synthesize my data into core personas representing our audience.

User Experience
Research suggested a number of prospective and current members didn’t understand the full benefits of membership with the RH‑ISAC. It highlighted a number of under-utilized resources and suggested user needs aligned with these benefits. RH‑ISAC needed to emphasize the broad impact of their services, and remind users of the full list of resources available to members.
Through an iterative site-mapping process, I took everything I learned through the research phase to provide potential members with everything they’re looking for. With a complete overhaul of the site architecture, I enhanced user orientation through a clear, simplified navigation, research-driven membership benefits, and reorganization of resources.
Detailed wireframes helped to set-up the design phase of the project for success. Establishing clear patterns throughout the site to simplify users’ experience of the site. This phase of the process also allows us to reorient and adjust designs on the fly, with a focus on the content first.

Visual Design
To cover all necessary design assets for the revamped brand, I provided comprehensive document, email and web page templates. I created an in-depth digital style-guide lives in the backend of the new website for reference on web components and brand guidelines.
Bolder type, broken grid, additional imagery, custom illustrations, and new animations make the site feel professional, modern and sophisticated — more befitting of the industry RH‑ISAC serves. Old elements of the brand were taken, expanded upon and revamped to serve as a recognizable nod to current members, but still give the brand an overall modern and relevant look to new potential visitors.
Color Palette

Icons & Illustrations

The focus on user experience doesn’t extend only to potential business partners and members for the RH‑ISAC team. This site was developed with a custom Wordpress theme to give me full control over features and improve load time. Through HTML, PHP, Javascript, and CSS I delivered a site to serve both the internal RH‑ISAC team and their users' needs. I built the site using customized, reusable library components to empower the RH‑ISAC full control over their site, page content, and structure following development.